About "Chance"



Our goal in creating the Film “Chance” was to tell a story from the eyes of the innocent victims, (the Dogs). The Film is intended to showcase the reality, and shed light on animal cruelty in its worst form, with a goal to educate, bring awareness, and evoke change. Although dog fighting is illegal in all 50 states, it still occurs in every part of our country. Let alone the world.

As the Producers, we wanted to tell a compelling story that touched on love, compassion, courage, hope, and friendship. To help the audience truly understand, we knew the story had to be told from the eyes and mind of the dog, in this case a pit bull. A very misunderstood dog. This story should engage the audience and help to bring awareness to a misfortune that has gone on far too long and that could be used as an educational tool for many platforms to help bring awareness to the sociological aspects of what dog fighting does to not only dogs, but communities as well. As the problem more so is with the owners and not the animals.

“Chance” is a dreamer. He has strong values and believes in standing up for what’s right. Chance and his group of friends dream of living a happy life. Eventually they are forced to face a cruelty that could soon be their reality, and alter the happy life they long for. The film also separates some of facts from myths of this subject. It also brings light to a matter that has existed for years. We chose to let the viewers meet a family of happy go lucky puppies and watch them be purchased and thrust into the cruel world of training and fighting.

Our goal with the film “Chance” is to take it to great height and generate a buzz to bring public awareness in support of stronger laws, legislation and community outreach worldwide. We can’t change every mind and every heart but we can try by creating awareness of taught behaviors (humans and dogs). We’re hoping “Chance” will be that vessel, voice, face and persona that has the power to bring well-needed attention to a systemic underground culture and travesty.


Here's a list of a few others fighting the good fight.

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
American Bar Association (ABA)
American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior National Animal Care & Control Association (NACA) National Canine Research Council

SPCA International
Detroit Animal Welfare Group (DAWG)
League Against Cruel Sports
National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Animal Legal and Historical Center
Last Chance For Animals (LCA)
In Defense of Animals (IDA)
Best Friends Animal Society
World Animal Protection

Pitbull & Itty Pitties
Ventura County Animal Services
Dog House Bully Crew
The Pitbull Advocate
AntiDogFighting Campaign
North Shore Animal League America Dogs Trust
Animal Aid USA
Dumb Friends League
SAFE Pet Rescue, Inc
The Anti-Cruelty Society
Oxford Center for Animal Ethics
A helping Paw
Action for Animals
Animal Cruelty Exposure Fund International Society for Animal Rights

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